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Day 1 - Filming the therapist scene

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Day 2 - Filming the office scene

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Day 5 - filming end scene

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Day 3 - recording voiceovers

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Day 4 - filming band scenes

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Planning Production

To make the production run more smoothly we set up a group char called 'The Exiles' which included me and Reuben with the rest of the cast. In this group we would organize filming dates, location and time and would go over any issues whether that being costume or sicknesses, overall it made communication a lot easier especially as one of our actors Devonte attends a different college from the rest of us.

After finding dates that where free for everyone to film on, I put together a schedule for everyone to follow, this included location, cast and crew that is needed on those days, equipment needed so we had a list of what we needed to book out from our colleges camera store, what scenes we where filming on that date and an estimated time it should take to get them filmed. I really liked taking control of the production management side of this project, it meant I was able to get everything organized and take guidance when budgeting to make sure we didn't overspend. This has also gave me experience  in production management in which I have applied to do a level 4 course on.


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